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new york city seo company

Do I need SEO?

Nowadays, SEO is a topic that everyone is trying to understand. Since the world has become digital, having visibility is key when navigating the world wide web. How does SEO give online marketers an advantage? Is it helpful when marketing a business? Is an SEO company a good idea? Figuring out what works best with your online venture will help you figure out the answer to those questions.

We helped them, and we can help you too

Scott Kupetz
Scott KupetzCEO of Scott Kupetz, DMD
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"We have been a client of Hozio for over 8 years and could not be happier. We added a location and needed to be know in the area. We were up in running with new patients in a few days and they keep coming!"
Chris Terrones
Chris TerronesCEO of Chimney Restoration of KC
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"We would get 2-3 phone calls a day normally but after working with Hozio we started receiving at least 20-25 calls a day."
Eleazar De Luca
Eleazar De LucaCEO of Dragon RTC
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"Hozio blew my business up. We went from having 6-8 wrestlers in our open class to 30+ wrestlers a night in our weekly class!"
Thomas Jones
Thomas JonesCEO of Jones Tree and Plant Care
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"I had my doubts in the beginning, I’m sure we all do but when the calls came in I was a believer. The calls came in and haven’t stopped."
Chad Murray
Chad MurrayCEO of Masters Services
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"I own a large service business with 30 trucks in multiple states. Got me on first page pretty quickly so I added more and WOW! I don’t care how much money I spend with them because they have blown up the results!!!!!"
Brian Adkins
Brian AdkinsCEO of The Adkins Academy, Inc
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"Hozio focuses on results and are paid for getting you results, not just for marketing smoke and mirrors like others."
search engine optimization company long island

What is SEO?

In a nutshell, SEO is a tool used to help maximize your visibility on a search engine. For example, if someone is searching for a type of product or service that you provide, would you want your website to appear on page three or page one of Google? Optimizing your website can boost your viewership and placement on a search engine site such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing since the internet has become saturated with new websites, being seen as essential in garnering traffic to your website. Having high Google rankings gives your website more visibility, as well as more targeted visibility. 

What are the ranking factors?

Ranking factors are tools that will boost your visibility online. Ranking factors include: 

Domain authority: Domain authority is a measure of the power of a domain name. The three main factors of a domain authority are Age, popularity, and size. 

Backlinks: A backlink is a link that one website gets from another site. For example, a shirt company has a website, and a fashion blogger wears a shirt. The fashion blogger links the shirt site on her page.

Evergreen content: It’s content that is interesting to the reader, but it is not something that will be dated. Its information is just as relevant today as it will be in five years. 

Other forms of ranking factors include an updated website, social media, maps, correct name, address, and phone number across all sites for businesses, fast site speed, and mobile-friendly. Keep in mind, most people do their internet-ing on their phones, so mobile-friendly is a must.

What is the advantage?

Applying proper SEO techniques gives you and your website a big advantage over your competitors. Keep in mind there are over 2 billion people online. There are 3.5 billion searches being made daily on a search engine. How can your products and services be filtered in all that online noise? Using SEO helps sift through the online noise and gets you to your potential clients, and vice versa. Your potential clients are most likely starting to look for you on a search engine before they even know it. 

SEO is more targeted: Traditional marketing, such as television and radio ads, was put out to everyone, hoping something would stick. Now, with online marketing, SEO brings traffic to you. The people who are irrelevant to what you are selling are not seeing what you are advertising. It’s a narrower filter. Since people are already looking for you, SEO makes you stand out so that they can find you a bit easier in the online crowd. It eliminates the other unrelated online noise. 

It’s very low cost: One of the biggest advantages of SEO is that it costs you nothing if you know how to apply it to your website or a little something should you decide to hire a company to do it for you. SEO helps you garner organic traffic to your website and contributes to gradually increasing your ranking on a search engine. Remember, when building your online tribe, it takes a little time to find your regular, repeat, and loyal customers. It does not happen overnight, but the quality of your customer ship goes up. 

seo company nyc

Is it helpful when marketing an online business?

The short answer is absolute! SEO, in reality, is helpful for any website, whether it be a blog, a site for e-commerce, a company, etc.. keep in mind you’re always looking for someone to hire you and use your services. What better audience than a global one to come to you for what you have to offer? Keep in mind the internet never turns off. While you’re sleeping, while you’re on vacation, or visiting family, the internet is always at work. That means, with the right SEO techniques being applied, your website will always be seen 24/7. Potential clients are perusing your website all hours of the day and night. 

Is an SEO company a good idea?

Hiring an SEO company is a great idea. If you don’t know how to navigate the online space and your webpage is struggling to get views, it’s a great investment in your future online endeavors. Online companies are up-to-date on strategies that can make and keep your website relevant. If the algorithms change on a search engine site, it is important to know what those changes are and how to modify your website to keep you seen. SEO companies are usually in the know and have the tools to make those necessary modifications to keep your website relevant. 

Boosting your online presence takes continuous work and constant tweaking. Having the right tools, or in some cases, a team behind you can make all the difference in your company’s growth.

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The land that Miller Place occupies was purchased from the native Setalcott tribe in 1664 by settlers of Setauket. The parcel also included what would become Mount Sinai, an adjacent community of similar character with which Miller Place would share a variety of functions throughout its history.

The first known dwelling in the area was constructed in the 1660s by Captain John Scott, an important figure in Long Island’s early history. This house was named Braebourne and features on a map of the New England region credited to Scott, who served as a royal advisor and cartographer among other occupations. This abode, on the eastern side of Mount Sinai Harbor, was one of three houses John Scott commissioned, and the actual occupier is unknown.

The Miller Place Duck Pond on North Country Road

While the original settler of Miller Place is unknown, the settling of the region is largely accredited to the original Miller family. In 1679, an East Hampton settler named Andrew Miller purchased a 30-acre (120,000 m2) plot. Miller was a cooper by profession, and records indicate that he had emigrated from either Maidstone, England or Craigmillar, Scotland.

Learn more about Miller Place.
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