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Search Engine Optimization Company in Fishers Island, NY

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Your website is a reflection of you

So you’ve decided to build a website. You either have something to say with a blog, or you have a product or service to sell. Your website design is essentially your digital first impression. How do you want others to see you when they land on your homepage? 

We helped them, and we can help you too

Scott Kupetz
Scott KupetzCEO of Scott Kupetz, DMD
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"We have been a client of Hozio for over 8 years and could not be happier. We added a location and needed to be know in the area. We were up in running with new patients in a few days and they keep coming!"
Chris Terrones
Chris TerronesCEO of Chimney Restoration of KC
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"We would get 2-3 phone calls a day normally but after working with Hozio we started receiving at least 20-25 calls a day."
Eleazar De Luca
Eleazar De LucaCEO of Dragon RTC
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"Hozio blew my business up. We went from having 6-8 wrestlers in our open class to 30+ wrestlers a night in our weekly class!"
Thomas Jones
Thomas JonesCEO of Jones Tree and Plant Care
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"I had my doubts in the beginning, I’m sure we all do but when the calls came in I was a believer. The calls came in and haven’t stopped."
Chad Murray
Chad MurrayCEO of Masters Services
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"I own a large service business with 30 trucks in multiple states. Got me on first page pretty quickly so I added more and WOW! I don’t care how much money I spend with them because they have blown up the results!!!!!"
Brian Adkins
Brian AdkinsCEO of The Adkins Academy, Inc
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"Hozio focuses on results and are paid for getting you results, not just for marketing smoke and mirrors like others."
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What is website design?

Website design is the creation of a website. It includes the layout of the site, content production, and graphic design. The look and feel of your website can determine whether people come back or not. Think about it: if you’re an attorney, and the screen on your homepage is Fuschia, chances are you’re not going to retain many people on your website, let alone get many clients out of it. 

How easy or complicated is it to navigate? Are you a creative that has 1,000 ideas and feels the need to put all of them on your one website? Do you have different links to each of your ideas? That can be overwhelming and hard to navigate for many potential viewers and scare them off. Not to mention, too many irrelevant things can slow everything down altogether. Do you have content? Is it relevant to what your website is about? Are you regularly posting? Do you write incredible content but only post when you get around to it, or do you have a schedule? All of these things are factors in the design of your website.

Believe it or not, many people determine whether they find a particular website trustworthy or not fairly quickly; the look of the site can either build or kill trust. That said, the layout of a site can keep someone on a website or have them go back to their search engine of choice to find another. How is the website organized? Is the navigation key labeled in layman’s terms? Keep in mind that when people are navigating, if people don’t understand what the navigation labels are, they will just leave. They don’t want to spend the time translating labels. 

How does it look?

Visual appeal is a key factor in retaining someone on a website. Do the photos on the site look like they were taken with a flip phone? Is there a lot of busy design on the page, or is it clean and visually simple? Does the design take away or add to what the site is about? Do the visuals add to the overall message that the website is trying to tell?

What is website development?

Website development includes the non-design aspects of building a website. Website development is behind the scenes, whereas web design is in front of the camera. 

seo company nyc

Things to know and understand if you want to learn how to develop a website: 

Understanding HTML (Hypertext Marker Link): HTML is used to describe every piece of content on a website. No matter what type of content it is, whether it is writing, links, audio & video, or pictures, HTML ensures that all of your content is displayed correctly on your website.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is the technical language for describing colors, layouts, and fonts on a webpage. It also plays a part in a website adapting to different devices. It can go from a large screen to a small screen to even other devices such as printers. 

Javascript: Computer programming language used to create and control website content

Although being a web developer and a web designer go hand in hand, they each have their skill set that is specific to that particular job description. One is more creative, the other is a bit more technical. Whether you choose to build your own website (bless your heart) or hire someone to do it for you, understanding both aspects of creating a website will only make it stronger, which is better for you in the end.

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The island was called Munnawtawkit by the Pequot Natives. Adriaen Block, the first recorded European visitor, named it Vischer’s Island in 1614 after one of his companions. For the next 25 years, it remained a wilderness, visited occasionally by Dutch traders.

A map of the Connecticut, New Haven, and Saybrook colonies Fishers Island (2021) Fishers Island from the air (2022)

John Winthrop the Younger obtained a grant of Fisher’s Island in 1640 from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, “reserving the right of Connecticut if it should be decided to be theirs.” He simultaneously applied to the Connecticut General Court for a similar grant in order that there might be no flaw in his title. The title was given to him in the following words, which are copied from the records of a General Court held at Hartford, Connecticut, April 9, 1641:

Upon Mr. Winthrop’s motion to the court for Fisher’s Island, it is the mind of the court that so far as it hinders not the public good of the country, either for fortifying for defense, or setting up a trade for fishing or salt and such like, he shall have liberty to proceed therein.

Winthrop lived only one winter on the island. He was named governor of the Connecticut Colony 1657-58 and 1659-76, and he used the island to raise sheep for food and wool. He died in 1676 and his son Fitz-John installed a lessee farmer from England on the island named William Walworth. Walworth brought a system of cultivation that was continued on the island for nearly 200 years. He established farmland out of the heavily forested island. Walworth and his family vacated the island nine years later due to the threat of pirates. Fishers Island remained in the Winthrop family of Connecticut until 1863, when ownership passed to Robert R. Fox, and then to Edmund and Walton Ferguson, also of Connecticut.

Learn more about Fishers Island.
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